Advertising and Marketing General


Introduction to Twitch

It was from the Emmy-award winning animated comedy series South Park that I first learned about the concept of video game streaming. Season 18’s episode titled ‘#REHASH’ features a frustrated and bewildered Kyle, as Cartman and Kyle’s brother Ike become obsessed with video game streaming. Kyle doesn’t understand the appeal and he feels the activity is pursued at the expense of their relationships. Like Kyle, I was confused why kids would elect to watch others play video games…

By: Devin Rose

malcolm gladwell

The Dunning-Kruger Effect

In the realm of faking-it-till-you-make-it, the undisputed heavyweight champion is Malcolm Gladwell (pictured above, right of my boss, Hartland Ross). While undoubtedly an influencer in business, science and psychology, Malcolm is merely an author with a history degree. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed his page-turners as much as the average adult stuck in an airport. Hell, I’ve been known to throw out an anecdote or two from his bestsellers ‘Blink’, ‘Outliers’, and ‘The Tipping…

By: Devin Rose

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eBridge Marketing Solutions Offers Innovative Marketing Strategies to Engaged Audiences of IT Service Providers at Ingram Micro Cloud Summit 2018

Digital marketing agency, eBridge Marketing Solutions, shared insights into the intensely competitive marketing landscape and offered strategies on how to differentiate your business when they presented two sessions to groups of cloud solution providers at the 2018 Ingram Micro Cloud Summit in Boca Raton, Florida. The Summit welcomed more than 1,400 Ingram Micro partners and colleagues to the industry’s largest cloud ecosystem conference where they took a deep dive into all things cloud including new…

By: Lisa Masiello


eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs: Part Four

Readers have been clamoring for the fourth installment of eBridge’s ‘eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs’. If you haven’t yet read the first, second, or third posts in this series, you’re highly encouraged to-do-so! The first three posts helped to identify marketing priorities for organizations as they prove their business concept, make their first moves into eCommerce, and specialize in a niche market. This fourth installment focuses on priorities for companies who are looking to scale…

By: Devin Rose

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eBridge at 2018 Ingram Micro Cloud Summit

We recently attended the Ingram Micro Cloud Summit 2018 which took place at the Boca Raton Resort and Club in Boca Raton, Florida. eBridge Marketing Solutions was excited to join 1,400 Ingram Micro VARs, MSPs, ISVs, telecommunications providers and distributors in taking an in-depth look at the infinite potential of the cloud. Here are some of the highlights from the Summit. This year’s cloud summit was focused on five key areas: Infinite Possibilities: Attendees learned…

By: Lisa Masiello

Niche Awareness

eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs: Part Three

Welcome to part three of our eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs. This edition is all about tactics to gain brand awareness within a specific niche market. You may wish to check out the prerequisites outlined in the first and second parts of the series before reading this entry. The recommendations that follow assume that you’ve already proven your business concept and created a basic and functional website. If you’re at the stage where you find your…

By: Devin Rose

functional website

eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs: Part Two

This is part two of a five part series called the eCommerce Hierarchy of Needs.  Part One discussed marketing tactics for very early stage start-ups trying to prove their business concept. This installment is for companies who have proven their concept and determined it worthwhile pursuing and investing in. The biggest need for entrepreneurs at this stage is the basic building block of every eCommerce company — a functional website. For each tier in the…

By: Devin Rose

Proof of Concept

eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs: Part One

This is the first entry in a five-part series of blogs we’ve dubbed the ‘eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs’. The objective for these blogs is certainly audacious. We aim to provide a simple framework for eCommerce businesses that helps to identify which marketing activities should be prioritized based on a company’s growth stage. We will help answer questions like: “should we be investing to improve our website’s user experience or is that time/money better spent…

By: Devin Rose

Dart Board

Precision, Accuracy, and Marketing Measurement

If you are talking to a marketing agency about new opportunities, they better ask how you’ll be measuring results. If they don’t, you should just turn and run, hang up the phone, click the red button on Skype, or whatever. Any honest marketer worth their salt knows that having a measurement plan is essential for success. Otherwise you are blind to the results of your marketing initiatives, and lacking the insight to keep your marketer…

By: Devin Rose

Cassius Marcellus Coolidge   Poker Game 1894

Poker – A Tech Marketing Analogy

World Hosting Days will be in Las Vegas next week. Having been to some hosting industry events before, I can only imagine the professionalism that will occur at the bars, nightclubs, and casinos of Sin City. It’s the latter sin that I’d like to focus on for this blog entry. Most readers will not be aware that I was once an avid poker player. So as the hosting industry descends upon the gambling capital of…

By: Devin Rose