Advertising and Marketing General

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Lights Out – Public Relations Following a Network Outage

Anyone who works in the web hosting, cloud, or data center industries knows that network outages are unavoidable. No matter how many redundancies you have in place, “stuff” happens. No-one is immune, even Amazon has major outages. With that reality in mind, I am somewhat sympathetic to NeuLion Inc., who finds themselves in the midst of a public relations nightmare. NeuLion is a streaming video provider who works with major sports leagues like the NFL,…

By: Devin Rose

Considerations for choosing marketing tactics for your B2B technology business

  One of the most challenging and overwhelming parts of marketing is figuring out exactly what to do and where to allocate your budget. You certainly can’t be everywhere and do everything, so you need to choose wisely. It comes down to so many factors, including your goals, your competencies, your budget, your competitive environment, and your internal resources. Marketing is a highly customized endeavour. One size does not fit all. With that said, there…

By: Hartland Ross

Tips for More Effective Online Advertising

Online advertising and media buying is a huge topic. There are so many ins and outs, best practices and things to think about. In this post, I wanted to touch on a few key points that I find myself making again and again when discussing effective digital advertising with our clients. Tracking We’ve all heard the marketing cliché, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”…

By: Devin Rose

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A Look Back at the Evolution of Web Design

A little while back we launched the 5th iteration of the eBridge site. We thought it would be fun to take a walk down memory lane and revisit some of our previous designs, touch on what the trends were at the time and see where things are at now in the world of web design. The first eBridge website   Here is where it all began back in 2001 with a small, simple, static website….

By: Martina Iring

The Push Towards “Non-Annoying” Advertising

Adblock has unveiled a new feature that allows “non-annoying” ads to be displayed. As someone who lives and breathes digital media on a daily basis, this is a pretty big deal (in my humble opinion)! I thought it was an important update to share with our clients. Adblock is a free extension launched in 2006 that allows individuals to block advertising. Here are some nuts and bolts of how it works… Adblock looks at the…

By: Devin Rose

How to Effectively Communicate Your Sales Message to an International Audience

The internet has made enormous strides in making the world seem like a smaller place. Doing business internationally is now accomplished with a simple click of a button, and companies enjoy their products and services reaching bigger audiences and gaining customers all over the world. But only if they can communicate effectively. Here are some tips to help shape your marketing message so international customers understand and respond to it. Research cultural taboos before moving…

By: Martina Iring

Nuances about how people buy around the world

What influences peoples’ purchasing decisions? Why do people buy what they do? What makes them choose one company over another? When you are doing business internationally, you want to be sure you are doing everything you can to facilitate the sale and instill confidence in your prospects. Here are some tips to keep in mind when trying to successfully sell to a foreign market. Know What Appeals to Your Prospective Audience Not all ads and…

By: Martina Iring

Tips for Effectively Conducting Business Internationally

Savvy business owners understand the importance of attracting and keeping customers. In today’s global marketplace, it’s not enough to offer a quality product at a fair price. Businesses must understand the preferences of their local and global prospects, and use that knowledge to build business practices that are appealing and effective. Let’s discuss three tips that will help businesses thrive internationally: Understand the nuances of how people buy around the world Assuming all buyers shop…

By: Martina Iring