Advertising and Marketing General

Inbound Marketing in the Mobile Age

A Dynamic Process We are in the midst of a radical change in the way that people use and engage with the web. At its inception, the internet was seen as a tool, and treated as such. However, with the advent of social media and the proliferation of personal mobile devices, we as users have become more dynamic in the ways that we access and disseminate information through the web. This has created both a…

By: Guest Blogger Jessica Keaton

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Are you ready for the next Google shift? Time to get mobile friendly!

The digital marketing world is looking ahead to the latest Google algorithm shift coming Apr 21st, 2015. Google will now be looking at the mobile friendliness of a website when delivering search results to mobile devices. If the site falls short, it may drop in mobile search rankings. It makes sense. Google is always looking for ways to improve its search results and they consider user experience an important indicator of quality. We’ve all had the…

By: Frank Siano

Demand generation and how to choose between lead generation programs and display advertising campaigns (Part 2)

Part 2: Running and evaluating your campaigns In Part 1 of this series, we compared lead generation and display advertising initiatives in terms of planning and set up. With that knowledge under your belt, let’s get into the logistics of actually running the programs and then look at the factors that will affect returns. The management Display can be managed by a small in-house team, or by your friendly neighborhood Ad Coordinator from eBridge Marketing Solutions…

By: Hartland Ross

Demand Generation and How To Choose Between Lead-Generation Programs and Display Advertising Campaigns (Part 1)

Part 1: Planning and preparation There are so many ways to grow a business organically through marketing and promotion – it can be overwhelming to parse through all the options and decide which way to go for your business. For this reason, in our last few posts we have been looking at popular internet marketing options and comparing them to each other. In this post I’d like to dive into the strategy of lead generation…

By: Devin Rose

Do Offsite Search Marketing Strategies Still Matter?

2013 has been a big year for changes to Google’s search algorithm with repercussions far and wide for SEO experts and businesses. There are no longer shortcuts or loopholes that get your site ranked quickly and easily. Onsite SEO is a different game, and this also applies to offsite efforts. In fact, many popular offsite SEM tactics either need shifting, or need to be abandoned altogether. Let’s take a closer look… Anchor texts Using keyword rich anchor…

By: Hartland Ross

The Value of Partnerships Part 3 – Optimize your Offering Through A VAR Relationship

We discussed in our previous posts how your B2B technology business can leverage partnerships to access a partner’s existing customer base and how much easier it is to connect your company and your solution to your target market thanks to the preexisting relationships your partners already have with their clients. This gives the end customer what they want – more solutions from the companies they already like and trust. (see The Value of Partnerships Part 1:…

By: Hartland Ross

The Value of Partnerships Part 2 – Giving Customers What They Want

Partnerships really are a win-win situation. We learned how you, as a B2B technology company, can leverage the existing customer base of your partners to access new markets and prospects quickly in Part 1 of this series on understanding the value of partnerships. Partners themselves benefit from opening new revenue streams. They also benefit in another important way. By diversifying their offering, partners are giving their customers more of what they want, giving themselves more opportunities…

By: Hartland Ross

The Value of Partnerships Part 1 – Leveraging an Existing Customer Base

When it comes to successfully selling a technology product or service, sure, you could do it all on your own. But have you ever heard that expression “no man is an island.” I really feel that the same can be said of businesses. Yes, you can operate in a silo and do everything completely independently, but in my opinion, you are really missing out on some great opportunities. By working with other companies and bringing…

By: Hartland Ross

Lead Generation Part 4 – Go It Alone

In previous posts in our series, we discussed various  lead generation strategies – form fills, content syndication and content syndication using webinars and white papers. The question then becomes, should you execute in-house or with the help of a marketing company. Many businesses choose to “go it alone” by leveraging internal resources in the hopes of saving on costs. However when going this route, there are various factors you really need to consider beyond just…

By: Hartland Ross

eBridge Marketing Solutions to Participate in Entrepreneurs’ Organization “Giving Back” Event

Internet Marketing Agency eBridge to Hand Deliver Care Packages to Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside with Fellow EO Members Vancouver, British Columbia (PRWEB) November 29, 2012 — eBridge Marketing Solutions, a Vancouver based internet marketing agency specializing in online promotion for B2B technology businesses, will join members of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization Vancouver chapter in its “Giving Back” event. The annual charitable drive run by EO involves the organization and delivery of care packages for the local homeless…

By: Martina Iring