Advertising and Marketing General

Lead Generation Part 3 – Webinars and White Papers

In the previous post in our series on lead generation, we discussed using content syndication to generate more leads for your business and important considerations when using this strategy. In this post we will discuss the two most popular types of online content syndication programs for lead generation: white papers and webinars. White Papers White papers, which are generally 8 to 12 pages long, are marketing communication documents that help to promote your product or…

By: Hartland Ross

Lead Generation Part 2 – Content Syndication

In the first post in this series, we discussed using form fills for lead generation. Our second installment is about content syndication, which is a popular B2B internet marketing strategy used to generate leads, and it relies on form fills too. How it works, is B2B websites showcase your assets (case study, white paper, recorded webinar, checklist, etc.) on a form fill page, and the website’s users must then disclose their contact details to access…

By: Hartland Ross

Lead Generation Part 1 – Form Fills

Lead generation is a huge part of business success and plays an important role in many internet marketing plans. All companies need to generate customer interest and inquiries about their products or services. There are many different ways that a business can generate those leads – some of which we will cover in this four part series. In this post, we will start with form fills. What is a form fill? Form fills involve having…

By: Hartland Ross

What The New Version of Google Analytics Brings To Your Business

The new version of Google Analytics has been available in beta for quite some time within existing accounts, accessed by clicking on “New version” in the top right hand corner of the webpage. They have recently announced that soon this new version will be activated in all accounts as the default interface. Google shares that the new version provides its users three significant improvements: A redesigned platform with major new functionality A streamlined interface that…

By: Hartland Ross

5 ideas For Using Video Marketing In Your Business

5 ideas for using video marketing in your business   The marketing world is all abuzz over video – and for good reason. Video marketing is a powerful tool. From supporting your SEM goals to getting visitors to click on that buy button, video can support a variety of business goals. Not convinced? Here are a few stats: Video will be 90% of all web traffic by 2013 (Cisco, 2010) Ecommerce site visitors are 85%…

By: Hartland Ross

3 Ways To Grow Your Business – Part 3

In part 1, we looked at what most businesses tend to focus on – growing your customer base. In part 2, we discussed the potency of increasing the frequency of purchases. In this last segment, we will look at how to get your current customers to buy more from you, also known in the marketing world as up-selling and possibly cross-selling. How this is different from increasing purchase frequency is the emphasis on getting your…

By: Hartland Ross

A Marketing Lesson From The Go Daddy PR Nightmare

Everyone’s talking about Go Daddy these days. And not in a good way. In case you missed it, Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons not only shot and killed an elephant on a recent trip to Zimbabwe, but he posted the video of the kill online for the world to see. The controversial video, and Bob’s response, have been flooding the media. PETA has deemed Mr. Parsons the “scummiest CEO of the year.” He however defends…

By: Hartland Ross

3 Ways To Grow Your Business – Part 2

In part 1 of this series, we looked at the most common way that businesses tend to approach growth – by trying to get more customers.   Today, let’s take a look at the second way that companies can boost their business profits – increasing the frequency that current customers buy from you.   Contrary to the first way, which involves a huge investment of both time and money to reach these new potential customers,…

By: Hartland Ross

3 Ways To Grow Your Business – Part 1

I thought it would be a good time to relook at the 3 basic strategies that can be used to grow any business and yes this includes the hosting industry. These are not so much alternatives but strategies that should be used simultaneously. The first way is to grow your business by getting more customers. The second way is to increase how frequently these customers purchase from you and the third way is when they…

By: Hartland Ross

Should I Buy Customers or Grow Organically? – Part 2

Appetite for Risk Purchasing customers is certainly more risky than growing organically due to some of the areas I’ve mentioned. The upside however is growth is much faster and may give you a boost in market share and will ideally lead to economies of scale that may provide you with a boost to your bottom line. Access to Capital How do you intend to fund an acquisition? Generally it will require a significant upfront cash…

By: Hartland Ross