Unconventional Advertising


Introduction to Twitch

It was from the Emmy-award winning animated comedy series South Park that I first learned about the concept of video game streaming. Season 18’s episode titled ‘#REHASH’ features a frustrated and bewildered Kyle, as Cartman and Kyle’s brother Ike become obsessed with video game streaming. Kyle doesn’t understand the appeal and he feels the activity is pursued at the expense of their relationships. Like Kyle, I was confused why kids would elect to watch others play video games…

By: Devin Rose

Unconventional Advertising – Part 2

In writing about inexpensive forms of advertising or promotion, I asked you to think about “sudden attacks sprung from hiding.” Did the term “ambush marketing” come to mind? It’s a form of marketing or advertising that lets you enjoy the benefits of sponsoring major events, without actually paying big bucks to be a sponsor. I know, I wrote about ambush marketing a few posts back, but it deserves revisiting. Briefly, during the 1990s, a clever…

By: Hartland Ross

Unconventional Advertising – Part 1

Countless thousands of dollars get spent every year on viral advertising, in pursuit of the Holy Grail of one million-plus views on YouTube. But the truth about viral videos and games is that you can’t really plan and design them – you can only create them, release them in the vicinity of a suitable host, and hope it spreads. A viral ad or video is viral only if it actually goes viral, so be skeptical…

How Can You Compete Against Multi-Million Dollar Ad and Marketing Budgets?

The short answer is: You can’t – at least not head to head. But there is a mighty lesson to be learned about competing with giants from a small Australian company called Messages on Hold (MOH). MOH may no longer be as small as they once were, but they are still tiny compared to the major telecom carriers in Australia and the Pacific region. Nevertheless, in a very short time they have climbed from obscurity…

By: Hartland Ross